Visiting loved ones at ECU Health.
Thank you for trusting ECU Health to care for you and your loved ones. The safety of our patients, visitors and team members is our top priority.
ECU Health is taking steps to ensure the safety of all and remains vigilant with its screening process for all visitors, entry requirements and safe visitation guidelines by department. ECU Health continues to closely track local data and will adjust visitation accordingly.
In following the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) guidelines, visitors who need assistance due to a disability may have an additional individual with them when visiting a loved one in an ECU Health facility to help navigate the current visitor guidelines.
Please note:
Due to high volumes, ECU Health may ask visitors to wait in an alternate off-unit location to adhere with facility safety protocols.
Thank you for your understanding.
Current Visitor Guidelines
ECU Health is committed to providing a healing environment where everyone is valued and included. To support safe visitation, ECU Health hospitals have established daily visiting hours of 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. during which lobbies will be open to visitors. Please click here to view specific guidelines on hospital units.
ECU Health requires a safe care setting to protect patients and team members. The patient and health care team must treat each other with respect.
The behaviors below distract team members from focusing on patients’ care.
- Hostile actions (threats, harassment, cruel comments and physical assault)
- Bringing weapons or using other items as a weapon (throwing a TV remote at staff)
- Recording others (video, audio, photos) without asking
- Those who threaten the safety of our care setting will be asked to leave the hospital.
- Please help us to ensure we have a safe care setting for everyone.
Community members with questions about ECU Health’s visitation guidelines are encouraged to call our Tell Us Now team at 252-847-8355. If a team member is not immediately available, please leave a message and your call will be returned within 24 hours.
Visitor Check in
As part of our ongoing commitment to improving security and safety for team members and visitors, ECU Health utilizes a visitor management system to enhance and streamline our visitors’ experience from arrival to departure. This visitor check in process can be completed in person at kiosks located at main entry points.
To help support a seamless visitor check in process, visitors should:
- Bring their current valid form of ID (driver’s license, passport, or other government-issued ID)
- Refer to ECU Health’s visitation guidelines by department
Masking at ECU Health
Masks are highly encouraged for healthy patients, visitors and team members at all ECU Health facilities. Masks are required for those who feel sick, have a recent exposure to illness, or have these symptoms: fever, cough or runny nose. Patients may request their direct care team to wear a mask while providing direct care.