ECU Health recently hosted the Provider Patient Choice Awards at a luncheon honoring more than 200 ECU Health providers.
The Provider Patient Choice Awards recognize ECU Health providers who rank in the top 10% in the nation in the Watson Human Caring[1] question for “Creating a caring environment that helped me heal.”
Attendees, both in-person and virtual, heard from ECU Health leadership as they thanked the winners for their work and discussed how compassionate care impacts patients, families and the health system. ECU Health CEO and Dean of the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University Dr. Michael Waldrum said there is no greater honor than being recognized by the patients and community members a provider serves.
“We teach medical students and nurses about all of the technicalities and the hard work that it takes to take care of other humans,” Dr. Waldrum said. “However, one of the most important elements of excellence in providing health care is connecting with other people and caring. We know the data is very clear, it’s been shown many times that the better connection you have with that patient, the better they do. They’ll take their medications, they’ll follow your advice and their outcomes are better.”
He also noted that with expanding technologies and societal changes, the connection aspect in health care is needed now as much as ever and acknowledged a shift toward even more compassionate care in recent years. He expressed deep gratitude for the care teams making caring environments for patient and their families a priority.
Dr. Jason Foltz, chief medical officer with ECU Health Physicians, shared that the morning of the event, he had multiple visits with patients who did not have medical needs, but just needed someone to talk to about anxieties around medications or upcoming procedures. He said these interactions with patients and families are just as important, if not more important, than the medical care he provides.
“These are our patients and what they need is what you all provide them, which is a listening ear and the fact that you choose to care,” Dr. Foltz said. “At the heart of all this, everything we do—we’re just people serving people. That’s what today is about, to recognize and highlight that amazing spirit you bring and what really makes ECU Health, ECU Health.”
Dr. James Powell, a Patient Choice Award recipient, agreed with Dr. Foltz about the heart of a provider’s work. He said his team makes all the difference by starting each visit with a warm smile and a helping hand for patients.
He said he was excited to share the award with his team and recognize them for going above and beyond and developing positive patient relationships, which he uses for the foundation of each visit.
“We’ve been truly blessed, because we have a wonderful head nurse who has really created a good vibe among the staff as they go through day-to-day work. I’m sure a lot of you feel the same way about your staff,” Dr. Powell said. “When patients are calling, they’re calling because they need something. The something that they get is an answer to that question but a lot of times, it’s also just something that helps to calm them down and to make them feel good about things. I think that we’d really be remiss on a day like today if we didn’t think about the staff with whom we work, who really allow us to do what we do every day.”
ECU Health Chief Experience Officer Dr. Julie Kennedy Oehlert served as Master of Ceremonies for the event and encouraged providers to take their award boxes – filled with a plaque, stickers, star pins and more – and share them with their teams who support them every day.
She said during the event that the awards are truly special because they come from the patients these providers serve.
“The patients really showed us that you create a caring environment,” Dr. Oehlert said. “As much as you love them, they love you right back. We just want to thank you all for everything you do every day and recognize that the patients think you are amazing.”
About ECU Health Patient Choice Awards
Established in 2023, Patient Choice Awards recognize and honor ECU Health team members and providers for their dedication, effort and support to eastern North Carolina and the patients and families ECU Health serves. Winning teams and providers are chosen based upon commentary and feedback collected from patient surveys. Recognition events are held throughout the system in the fall and winter to showcase the people and teams who go above and beyond in support of our mission to improve the health and well-being of eastern North Carolina.
More Reading
Teams across ECU Health recognized by patients with Patient Choice Awards
[1] Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring is a foundation of patient care and focuses on the importance of the interpersonal relationship between a caregiver and care receiver. The theory states that this relationship helps not only the person receiving care, but the caregiver as well.