When it comes to cancer care, the earlier the better.

Your family and personal health history, as well as your lifestyle, can tell us a lot about your risk for cancer. Let our experienced team at the Cancer Prevention Clinic help develop a personalized plan that can determine your risks, educate you on ways to reduce your risks and screen for cancer to help find it early, when it’s easier to treat.

The Cancer Prevention Clinic offers a wide range of ser­vices that include:

  • Personal and family history
  • Risk assessment and referrals as needed
  • Physical examination
  • Review of results
  • Personalized plan for wellness
  • Cancer screenings (on-site and by appointment)
  • Referral to genetic counselor or tobacco cessation specialist as needed
  • Integrative medicine

Online Risk Assessments

Knowing your risk will help you have the power of early detection. Take a free risk assessment, and talk to your doctor about screenings that are right for you.

Lung Cancer Screening

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in America, killing more than 150,000 people every year. In the East, we’re detecting lung cancer more than the national average – 1 for every 26 individuals compared to 1 out of 320 nationally.

That’s why ECU Health is committed to fight this disease. We are offering low dose computed tomography (CT) scans as an early screening tool. This technology uses low doses of radiation, is painless and does not require lab work or injections. All you have to do is hold your breath for 10 seconds so we can produce a clear image. The results are interpreted by a radiologist and shared with your doctor, who will develop a plan for follow-up care, if needed.


This screening tool is available if you:

  • Are between the ages of 55 and 77. Some insurance companies might pay starting at age 50 and up to age 80.
  • Smoked at least two packs a day for 15 years, three packs a day for 10 years or other combination totals up to 30 pack-year history of smoking. See chart. Some insurances may pay for people who have a 20 –pack-year smoking history.
  • Are a current smoker or quit fewer than 15 years ago.
  • Have no sign or symptom of lung cancer.

If you are eligible, the screening may be at no cost to you through your insurance company. If you do not have insurance, you may be eligible for ECU Health’s LDCT Lung Cancer Screening Clinic for the Uninsured. For more information, call 252-847-9507. If you do not have insurance, the self-pay rate of $250 will be billed to you.

Get Started

Talk to your doctor about getting a CT scan to screen for lung cancer. Download this form to take with you to your doctor. Be sure to discuss your complete health history, and get a clear explanation of the benefits and risks.