Essential programs that enhance the clinical care you receive.

ECU Health Medical Center offers important services that support and extend the emergency medical care you receive here. These programs are essential to recovery for some patients, or they can help you prevent injury and the need for medical care.
Classes & Events
Trauma Survivors Network
Stop the Bleed
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Rural Trauma Team Development Course (RTTDC)
Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)
For a full list of our class offerings, click here.
Eastern Carolina Injury Prevention Program (ECIPP)
The Eastern Carolina Injury Prevention Program (ECIPP) strives to improve the health of area residents by reducing the incidence and impact of injuries. Established in 1995, ECIPP is a community health program at ECU Health Medical Center and a collaboration between the ECU Health Trauma Center and the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University Department of Emergency Medicine. ECIPP can be reached by phone at 252-847-8688.

The mission of this coalition is to prevent unintentional injuries to children from birth to 19 years of age. The local coalition, an affiliate of Safe Kids Worldwide, consists of community collaboration between health professionals, law enforcement and parents. The program serves as a consultant to counties in the region and conducts educational events. Focus areas include water safety, fire safety, poison safety, EMS Week, bicycle safety, child passenger safety seats, teen safe driving, sports safety and pedestrian safety.
We invite you to like/share/follow us @SafeKidsPittCounty on Facebook
Child Seat Safety

Community members can purchase an age/weight-appropriate child safety seat at Winterville Fire/Rescue on the third Friday of each month from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. Rear-facing convertible and forward-facing harness seats are $60 each. High-back booster seats are $30 each. No appointments are necessary.
The Safe Kids Pitt County diversion program provides education sessions in return for dismissal of a child passenger safety citation. This program is also available on the second and fourth Friday of each month at Winterville Fire/Rescue from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Bring your ticket, your child, an age/weight-appropriate child safety seat, and your drivers license. The cost is $30 (cash only), and appointments are not necessary.

The Teen Safe Driving Program raises awareness about key safety messages that are critical for teen drivers to be safe on the road ways. The goals of the program are to increase seat belt use and reduce distracted driving related crashes and fatalities among teen drivers. This is done through monthly education related to underage drinking, speeding, drowsy driving, texting and other distractions faced by teens on the roadway. The Teen Safe Driving Program was the recipient of the 2019 Governor’s Highway Safety Program Richard Sales Program Award, a distinctive award that recognizes programs that have made a substantial impact upon their community in regards to traffic safety.
Pitt County Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)

Pitt County SADD is a community-based program that focuses on identifying and reversing destructive decisions. SADD partners with schools and other organizations to provide students with the adult mentorship and education needed to make wise choices. The program currently focuses heavily on vaping and substance use prevention and mental well-being in students. Students are referred to supportive resources when needed.
We invite you to like/share/follow us @pittcountysadd on Facebook and Instagram.
Falls Prevention

Each year, 2.8 million older people are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries. One out of five falls causes a serious injury, such as broken bones or a head injury, and more than 95 percent of hip fractures are caused by falling. Despite the startling statistics, many inexpensive home modifications can help prevent falls.
Remembering When is a multi-agency prevention program that assesses homes for fire and falls risks and makes “on the spot” modifications as needed.
Suicide Prevention

Suicide is a serious public health concern affecting all ages, but is the second leading cause of death for people ages 10-14 and 25-34. Some groups, such as those identifying as LGBTQ+ or veterans, have higher suicide rates than others. The Suicide Prevention Program targets those at highest risk, and provides mental illness training to those that love and care for these individuals.
For a list of Pitt County Mental Health resources, go to
Safe Storage of Firearms

Firearms are the second leading cause of death in children ages 0-19, and firearms are used in half of all suicide deaths. Fourty-three percent of children live in a home with a firearm that is unlocked and loaded, and three out of four children ages 5-14 know where the firearm is kept. Time, space, and locks can provide life-saving moments for all ages. The Pitt County Firearm Safety Coalition provides firearm safety education and free distribution of gun locks throughout the community.
Traffic and Pedestrian Safety

Road traffic injuries and deaths is a global problem; rural eastern North Carolina is no different. Road traffic crashes are a leading cause of death in the United States for people ages 1-54. In North Carolina, about 160 pedestrians and 20 bicyclist are killed each year, representing about 15% of all traffic fatalities that occur in North Carolina. The Greenville Traffic Safety Task Force is a multi-agency team that aims to reduce crashes through collaborative efforts including enforcement, environmental modifications, education and awareness.
Since the implementation of the Greenville Traffic Safety Task Force in 2018, we have seen a significant reduction in crashes, and are currently ranked No. 8 in crashes for cities of our size (down from No. 1 in 2018). The team was the recipient of the 2019 Governor’s Highway Safety Program Collaboration Award, an honor that recognizes innovative and collaborative approaches to improvements in traffic safety.
Additional Resources
- Safe Kids Worldwide
- – Securing North Carolina for Life
- NHTSA | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- No Heat Stroke
Our Location: 604-A Medical Drive in Greenville
Outreach and Education

The public outreach team links ECU Health EastCare to regional hospitals, field providers and the general public. We are available to provide educational classes to organizations across our service area. We also offer an observer program and tours of all of our locations. Contact us at 252-847-4779 or email [email protected] for more information about our outreach programs.
We provide informational displays for the helicopter and mobile intensive care unit, as well as public education on health and safety topics for community events throughout eastern North Carolina. Depending on the specific request, we may be able to provide a speaker, helicopter and/or a mobile intensive care unit. To request additional information or to schedule visits, call the outreach department at 252-847-4779 or email [email protected].
Metro Alert Training
EastCare utilizes the Metro Alert application for early notification of a variety of patients requiring emergent transportation from a scene. Call 252-847-4779 or email [email protected] for more information or to request a demonstration.
Trauma Education
We also provide trauma education for health care providers in hospitals, fire/EMS/law enforcement agencies and community colleges. Call 252-847-4779 or email [email protected] to request the education or request more information.
ASERT Landing Zone Safety Class
EastCare’s Aero-medical Safety Emergency Response Training class (ASERT) aims to increase the safety awareness of regional emergency response agencies. Topics include an overview of EastCare, landing zone identification, communication, hazards, safety and helicopter scene operations. To schedule an ASERT class for your organization, call 252-847-4779.
Patient Packaging and Preparation Course (P3) and Hospital Outreach
EastCare Outreach Education provides training to hospital personnel involved in the treatment and transfer of acutely ill and injured patients from community hospitals to tertiary care centers. P3 training includes transfer guidelines, history of air transport, transport team composition and equipment, communications, transport packaging guidelines, loading procedures, and special patient challenges. For emergency medicine personnel and intensive care unit team members, we offer educational sessions on topics that include invasive lines, acute stroke recognition and management, STEMI and advanced 12 lead courses, trauma case review, pediatric emergencies, ventilatory management, advanced airway management and induced hypothermia. Call 252-847-4779 or email [email protected] to request the P3 course or hospital outreach courses.