Nolan Davis, who matched at ECU Health Medical Center, poses for a photo with his family during Match Day 2024.

On March 15, medical students across the country celebrated Match Day as they learned where they will spend their residency training as they continue in their physician journey. Locally, all 79 students in the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University Class of 2024 matched, including 14 who will stay in eastern North Carolina to continue their training at ECU Health Medical Center.

Dr. Jason Higginson, chief health officer of ECU Health and executive dean at Brody, said the match statistics of this class reflect Brody’s commitment to leading the way in training primary care providers for the state, as more than half of the medical students matched in North Carolina and 43 of the 78 matched into primary care residencies.

“We have a 100% match rate, well above the national rate, which is also a testament to our faculty and staff,” Higginson said. “About 50% of our graduates are staying in North Carolina, which is our primary mission, and about 20% are staying locally. They are great kids. It’s one of our best classes ever.”

Nolan Davis, who matched at ECU Health Medical Center, poses for a photo with his family during Match Day 2024.
Nolan Davis, who matched at ECU Health Medical Center, poses for a photo with his family during Match Day 2024.

William Taylor matched with ECU Health’s Family Medicine Residency. Taylor is also an ECU alumnus in both undergraduate and soon-to-be medical school. He said growing up in a smaller town made him connect with the needs of eastern North Carolina.

“It has grown a lot now, but when I was growing up, Garner didn’t have as many resources as a big city like Raleigh, and I wanted to impact people in small communities like where I grew up,” said Taylor. “Greenville is my second home, and I want to learn to treat people in North Carolina and eastern North Carolina and make an impact on this area.”

Taylor is excited to continue in Greenville and complete his residency in family medicine and continue to build relationships with patients across the region.

“I want to do family medicine because it gets you closest to the patient where you can build those relationships and interactions over long periods of time and make a real impact on patients and their lives and their families,” said Taylor.

Growing up in eastern North Carolina made the Match Day moment of opening their envelopes even more exciting for a couple of ECU Health matches from Brody.

Nolan Davis is from Duplin County and has fond memories growing up in a small town being close to his family. His mother, Bernice, said Davis made a poster in the second grade that showed he wanted to attend Brody and become a doctor in eastern North Carolina. Davis is one step closer to that goal after matching with his number one choice, internal medicine – pediatrics at ECU Health.

“Eastern North Carolina is a wonderful region, and it’s underserved,” said Davis. “My family lives here, good people live here that all deserve high-quality health care, and Brody is good at getting us to do that. I have seen how hard it is to get a doctor in a small town, and I want to be part of the solution. I was born and raised in eastern North Carolina, and I plan to practice here after residency.”

Marsha Hairr is from Sampson County and matched to ECU Health’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency program.

She said her personal experience with physical therapy growing up drove her interest in that area of medicine and her upbringing makes it a joy to serve the region.

“I grew up in a very small town and rural area,” Hairr said. “Even though Greenville and ECU Health is a bit bigger than where I grew up, it still has a rural vibe. It feels like home and I feel so honored that I can continue my training here and meet the mission of fellow eastern North Carolinians.”

For Julia Horiates, who matched into ECU Health’s Emergency Medicine Residency program, the opportunity to continue serving eastern North Carolina in the fast-paced world of the Emergency Department was a dream come true.

She spent most of her childhood in eastern North Carolina and has worked and volunteered as an EMS in Pitt and Greene counties for about 10 years. As a 2017 graduate from ECU and an upcoming Brody graduate, Horiates is proud to be a “triple Pirate.”

Marsha Hairr, who matched to ECU Health’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency program, celebrates during Match Day 2024.
Marsha Hairr, center, who matched to ECU Health’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency program, celebrates during Match Day 2024.

“I’ve hit the trifecta now, undergrad, medical school and residency,” Horiates said. “Giving back to a rural community and being involved here still is so special to me. That’s one of the main reasons I wanted to stay. I’ve been able to see how much this community has grown and how much of an impact ECU and ECU Health have had on this community. Being able to be a part of this, and a physician in this community is so important to me.”

Keeping bright minds in eastern North Carolina has long been a priority for ECU Health CEO and Brody Dean Dr. Michael Waldrum. He said a Brody education uniquely prepares future physicians to provide high-quality rural health care, and the training they receive can have an immense impact across the rural region ECU Health serves.

Dr. Waldrum said he’s not surprised that so many Brody graduates find their calling in eastern North Carolina.

“I like to think that all physicians share a common passion for wanting to make a positive difference in the lives of the people they serve,” said Dr. Waldrum. “Brody students get to spend four years here in eastern North Carolina learning about medicine, connecting with our community and experiencing first-hand the immense impact they can have on rural populations. We’re proud to know that many of our Brody students go on to make a difference in communities across the country, but we’re especially proud when we get to see it happen right here in eastern North Carolina at ECU Health.”

Learn more about Match Day for the Class of 2024 here.

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Dr. Matthew Ledoux speaks to students during a Chat with a Doc event through Health Sciences Academy at ECU Health Medical Center.

Like many health care organizations across the nation, ECU Health is facing an immense challenge: solving the growing health care workforce shortage.

Through community partnerships, the health system is doing its part to grow its workforce, starting right here in eastern North Carolina.

On March 14 at ECU Health Medical Center, students from several local high schools participated in the Health Sciences Academy event “Chat with a Doc.” Nine physicians from various specialties within ECU Health spoke to the students about their responsibilities, the diverse opportunities in the health care field and the rewarding experiences that come from caring for the people of our communities.

Each physician gave a brief overview of their specialty, and students had the opportunity to ask questions along the way. Dr. Matthew Ledoux, Pediatrician in Chief at Maynard Children’s Hospital, shared his insights as a health care provider with the students.

Dr. Matthew Ledoux speaks to students during a Chat with a Doc event through Health Sciences Academy at ECU Health Medical Center.
Dr. Matthew Ledoux speaks to students during a Chat with a Doc event through Health Sciences Academy at ECU Health Medical Center.

“I was so excited to participate in ‘Chat with a Doc’. I loved talking about the amazing and incredibly diverse opportunities in medicine. I hope the students were just as excited to hear about the opportunity to spend the rest of their lives helping, supporting and healing members of our community. I can’t imagine doing anything other than practicing pediatrics here in eastern North Carolina.”

The students also had the unique opportunity to tour several areas of the hospital and learn first-hand how they all work together to offer high-quality care for patients. The tours included the echocardiography, electrophysiology and catheterization laboratories at the medical center. Students also got to experience the emergency department, a mock operating room and trauma bays.

Lisa Lassiter, workforce development director for ECU Health, was one of the tour leaders. She expressed her excitement about the potential opportunities that an event like this could bring. “Students are our future, and we want to expose them to as many areas and roles throughout health care as possible so they can make an informed decision on their future career path. We are thankful to the physicians and departments who have given their time to make this event possible and help educate our youth.”

Melanie Thompson, a junior at J.H. Rose High School, shared her takeaways from the “Chat with a Doc” event. “It was great to see the doctors so passionate about what they do in their specialties. It was really nice to see that even though they have a stressful job, they love what they do and are passionate about treating patients here.”

Caleb Spruill, a senior at Pitt County Schools Early College, added that it was exciting to connect with the doctors on a real and personal level. “Not only are they passionate about treating patients, but they’re also just normal people. I’ve always put them on this pedestal, but they are normal people, just like us, who went to medical school and worked hard to achieve their goals. That’s inspiring to see.”

Both Melanie and Caleb shared their gratitude for the opportunities they received from the Health Sciences Academy. Melanie mentioned that the Academy has exposed her to a whole new world of medicine that she was previously unaware of, and it helped her realize that anyone can pursue a career in health care as long as they put in hard work. Caleb emphasized that it’s an excellent way to figure out which career path to take. “It’s a great opportunity for people who aren’t sure if they want to go into medicine. Events like this are foundational for understanding what health care is and learning about all of the different careers in this field. Everyone thinks it’s just doctors and nurses, but there’s so many things you can do.”

The “Chat with a Doc” event is another representation of ECU Health’s commitment to growing health care talent locally. Through the Health Sciences Academy, ECU Health partners with public schools to provide eastern North Carolina’s youth with the education and resources to pursue exciting and fulfilling futures in health care. During high school, Health Sciences Academy students complete a minimum of six courses that expose them to potential health care careers and prepare students to pursue college-level health science programs upon graduation. They participate in job shadowing, mentoring, internships, medical research opportunities, career exploration and volunteering.

The Pitt County Health Sciences Academy offers high school students the opportunity to explore different careers in health care and receive real experiences in the health care setting.

The program is a partnership between Pitt County Schools, Pitt Community College, East Carolina University, the Brody School of Medicine, Colleges of Allied Health Sciences, Engineering and Nursing at East Carolina University, School of Dental Medicine at East Carolina University, the Eastern Area Health Education Center and the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce.

Community | Featured

A local student with Pactolus Global School works on her stuffed animal during the Teddy Bear Hospital event.

Nurses and child life staff from ECU Health went to Pactolus Global School on Tuesday, March 19, to host the Teddy Bear Hospital event as part of Pitt County Health Sciences Academy. This fun, interactive event aims to familiarize elementary-aged children with health care workers in a friendly environment.

Elementary school students donned scrubs and personal protective equipment (PPE) to bring their favorite stuffed animals to the Teddy Bear Hospital. Students assumed the role of parents responsible for the toy’s care, starting with checking their stuffed animal into the waiting room to be triaged. ECU Health nurses then examined the stuffed animals and gave them a diagnosis. Nursing staff provided a treatment plan to help the stuffed animal get better. Through this interactive process, ECU Health nurses and child life team members engaged with the children, fostering valuable interaction and promoting health during workshop sessions.

According to Reed Potts, coordinator of Pitt County Health Sciences Academy, the event serves a number of purposes including to increase the awareness of health care, reduce anxiety around doctor’s visits and introduce students to different health care careers.

A local student with Pactolus Global School works on her stuffed animal during the Teddy Bear Hospital event.

“They’re having an absolute blast,” said Potts. “You never know, we may have a couple of nurses and doctors in here who wind up taking care of us one day.”

Nancy Turner, workforce development consultant, ECU Health, said students have really been engaged with the event and enjoyed the process.

“Students are learning all about health care process as if they are at a doctor’s office or even a hospital,” said Turner. “The students have been great. We’re talking to them after their rotations, and they’re excited to share how our nurses helped their stuffed animals ‘get better’ whether it be with a cast or a band-aid.”

While this may be the first exposure to health care careers for some students, it will not be the last. ECU Health team members, in partnership with Health Sciences Academy, participate in a number of career exploratory events with middle school and high school students including job shadowing, career fairs and “Chat with a Doc.”

“The most important thing is we are able to reach out to students of all ages,” said Turner. “We expose students to health care careers starting in elementary school and continue in middle school and high school letting them know that there a lot of different careers in health care. We’re letting students know there is a health care role for anybody and everybody.”

The Pitt County Health Sciences Academy is a partnership between ECU Health, Pitt County Schools, Pitt Community College, East Carolina University, the Brody School of Medicine, Colleges of Allied Health Sciences, Engineering and Nursing at East Carolina University, School of Dental Medicine at East Carolina University, the Eastern Area Health Education Center and the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce.

Children's | Community | Featured

ECU Health Bertie, Chowan and Roanoke-Chowan hospitals President Brian Harvill speaks at a Medicaid expansion event in Windsor.

A standing-room-only crowd packed the Bertie County Community Meeting Space for a robust event on March 19, aimed at getting Medicaid-eligible community members in Bertie and Washington counties enrolled to receive the health insurance they need to live their healthiest lives.

With voices like Gov. Roy Cooper, NCDHHS Sec. Kody Kinsley and ECU Health Bertie, Chowan and Roanoke-Chowan hospitals President Brian Harvill and others providing insight and perspective into the importance of Medicaid expansion, the message was consistent and clear: Medicaid expansion benefits rural communities.

“I know rural North Carolina, and I know what a room full of people who are on a mission looks like,” Gov. Cooper said. “People in rural North Carolina are benefitting from Medicaid expansion and what you’re doing is making a difference.”

The event was hosted by Care4Carolina, a statewide community coalition-building organization that has worked toward shrinking the insurance coverage gap for more than 10 years.

ECU Health Bertie, Chowan and Roanoke-Chowan hospitals President Brian Harvill speaks at a Medicaid expansion event in Windsor.
ECU Health Bertie, Chowan and Roanoke-Chowan hospitals President Brian Harvill speaks at a Medicaid expansion event in Windsor.

With Medicaid expansion now a reality in North Carolina, Care4Carolina is partnering closely with community organizations in eastern North Carolina, including ECU Health, to help spread the word, provide resources and increase Medicaid enrollment, which helps community members get the comprehensive care they need to better manage their health and overall wellness.

Since Medicaid expansion launched Dec. 1, 2023, nearly 400,000 people have enrolled, providing them and their families affordable health care coverage. Access to coverage ensures patients can receive important medications, access to care and peace of mind needed to live vibrant lives. The impact of Medicaid expansion is even more profound in rural communities where 40% of North Carolina’s population lives. Those living in rural communities face disproportionate incidences of chronic diseases like asthma, diabetes and heart disease, which worsen if not treated. With coverage, these impacted individuals can better manage their conditions.

“Medicaid expansion, more often than not, is here to help rural North Carolina,” said Sec. Kinsley, noting that 70% of those who benefit from Medicaid expansion come from working families. “People in rural communities are 3-to-4 times more likely to be uninsured. Now, with Medicaid expansion, people aren’t just getting covered, they’re getting care.”

Medicaid expansion has long been a priority for ECU Health, which serves 1.4 million people throughout the 29 rural counties that comprise eastern North Carolina. As a mission-driven organization, it proudly serves all community members regardless of their ability to pay. Still, at a time when rural hospitals across the country are struggling to maintain services, ECU Health’s priority is ensuring access to health insurance and access to high-quality care that drives healthy outcomes. That is why ECU Health leaders like Harvill are committed to community partnerships that help drive the mission of improving the health and well-being of the region.

“Sustainability in rural communities is a constant discussion in our organization,” said Harvill. “When you think about Medicaid expansion, think about access to care, which leads to better overall community health in rural areas. When residents are healthier, they are more likely to participate actively in the workforce, contributing to the economic and social well-being of the community. Our work to help improve the communities we serve is rooted in partnerships. We are so thankful for the opportunity to add to the conversation alongside the important state leaders who helped Medicaid expansion a reality and the local leaders who are helping make sure it benefits those right here in our rural communities.”

Brian Harvill stands with Gov. Roy Cooper and his family during the Medicaid expansion event in Windsor.
Brian Harvill stands with Gov. Roy Cooper and his family during the Medicaid expansion event in Windsor.

Community | Featured

In a ceremony more festive than formal, fourth-year medical students in the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University learned March 15 where they will spend the next three to seven years completing residency training.

This year, 100% of Brody’s 79 members of the Class of 2024 — which began its medical school journey during the COVID-19 pandemic — matched with a residency program.

The traditional event is arguably the pinnacle of the medical school experience for Brody students.

Before they opened their envelopes to reveal their next stop, the students were presented to the audience of family, friends and members of the Brody community to strains of music they each selected as they marched — or danced — across the stage in the ballroom of ECU’s Main Campus Student Center.

“Match Day is such a special time for these students from the Brody School of Medicine, all of whom have worked incredibly hard to reach this exciting moment,” said Dr. Michael Waldrum, dean of Brody and CEO of ECU Health. “Our medical students, by virtue of the education they receive here at Brody, are uniquely prepared to provide high-quality, human-centered care to the patients they will soon serve as part of their residency training and beyond. I want to extend a heartfelt congratulations to the Brody Class of 2024. We are grateful for the positive impact they will have on the lives of so many.”

Dr. Jason Higginson, executive dean of the Brody School of Medicine, said the class of 2024 represents Brody’s mission — a diverse group of students who come from all parts of the state, who will largely return to serve North Carolina as doctors.

“We have a 100% match rate, well above the national rate, which is also a testament to our faculty and staff,” Higginson said. “About 50% of our graduates are staying in North Carolina, which is our primary mission, and about 20% are staying locally.”

One of Brody’s secondary missions is getting future doctors to practice primary care, and half of the class of 2024 have committed to being on the front lines of health care.

“They are great kids. It’s one of our best classes ever,” Higginson said.

A perfect match

Before he even knew the mission carved out by the Brody School of Medicine to reach underserved patients and address health disparities, Connor Haycox was intent on improving lives.

During his undergraduate years at Davidson College, Haycox volunteered and interacted with patients from underserved communities and saw himself as a future physician to help bridge gaps in care.

“I wanted to go into medicine to help address that,” said Haycox, a native of Chapin, South Carolina. “I could see myself as a primary care physician; I figured I could do the most good for people on the front lines.”

Haycox matched in family medicine at ECU Health.

“I know this is where I’m supposed to be,” he said.

After college, Haycox spent two years completing a MedServe fellowship — an AmeriCorps program through which fellows assist in key primary care services and engage in community health work including outreach, education and other projects that impact community health. During the fellowship, Haycox worked in a rural family medicine practice in Benson, North Carolina, where he witnessed “the breadth of the problems patients presented,” he said. “I wanted to be able to meet them in their particular situation and help them maximize their health goals. I really started to see myself in that role.”

By the time Haycox was ready to take on medical school, he knew Brody was the place for him. His goals and his philosophy naturally aligned with the school’s mission, making it a perfect fit.

“The mission of Brody to develop family medicine doctors to serve the state was really a natural transition for me,” he said. “It just made the whole process that much more streamlined. I saw myself here from the start.”

Haycox sees himself serving eastern North Carolina long term — especially since his wife, Dr. Natalie Malpass, a 2022 Brody graduate, is completing a family medicine residency with ECU Health. The two met during Haycox’s stint in Benson, and that experience has cemented his view of medicine as part of teamwork and partnership.

“I think it’s invaluable to have a partner in medicine,” Haycox said. “It’s such a challenging field and an emotional investment, and I feel like having someone to be able to talk to about the things you see has helped me professionally, but it’s more just being able to walk through life with someone who understands.”

Working with the Benson clinic to respond shortly before medical school to help the team coordinate the practice as a COVID-19 testing site also showed him the importance of taking unforeseen circumstances and transforming them into something meaningful.

“Medicine is personal, and we adapt,” Haycox said. “We do that because we need to for our patients. The pandemic was a whole learning process, and it taught me that we may not have all the answers, but we can learn with our patients how to best come out.”

Navigating the pandemic with his classmates also taught him lessons about adaptation, appreciation and taking advantage of opportunities that presented themselves over the years. Haycox served as an anatomy tutor and was part of Brody’s Medical Education and Teaching Distinction Track cohort — which prepares students to be effective medical educators and develops their interest in academic medicine.

“I can see myself going into academic medicine in the future, so I wanted to develop those skills,” he said.

As for the culmination of his Brody experience, Haycox is excited to celebrate his next step alongside his family. For him, Match Day is the beginning of a new adventure in primary care and family medicine.

“Medical school is a long haul, so I’m excited to celebrate with my family,” he said. “Today, all of this kind of becomes more real.”

From motherhood and maternal medicine

For most medical students, finding out where they will complete their residency during Match Day is plenty to celebrate. For Ahoua Dembele, that’s just the start of the day’s festivities as her family is in town for an equally joyous celebration: a baby shower for her third child, due in just four weeks.

Dembele moved with her family from her home in Ivory Coast to Senegal, then attended boarding school in France. She returned to Africa’s north coast, this time Tunisia, with her family for six years before finally settling in Charlotte after graduating high school in 2011.

When Dembele arrived in the States, she had some measure of command of a number of languages – French, Arabic and an understanding her first language, Dyula, a dialect of Mande, but she didn’t speak English. She enrolled at Central Piedmont Community College for a crash course in a new language and started her educational journey.

After a few years at the community college and managing a pizza restaurant, she transferred to UNC Charlotte, where she graduated with a degree in biology because she was always fascinated with science.

She soon had her first son and worked for a while as a medical assistant in a doctor’s office in Charlotte.

Dembele was accepted as a medical student at Brody just before the COVID-19 pandemic complicated just about every aspect of life – especially education. The disconnected learning was tough, but she excelled, especially in light of having her second son just before starting school and getting married to her long-time partner who was frequently out of the country for business.

“I started medical school when my oldest was 2 or 3 and my youngest was 1. Daycare regulations were a little weird and my school was, too. We couldn’t go to Brody because of COVID, so I had to find ways to study,” Dembele said.

Her mother stayed with her to help with the boys and when her husband was home “he would do everything so that I could find places to study, but it was hard because they still need their mom, so I had to find ways to at least do bedtime every day.”

Dembele matched to undertake her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at ECU Health. She wants to make a difference in the lives of mothers and babies, especially after witnessing health conditions in eastern North Carolina through her clinical rotations. She hopes to sub-specialize in maternal and fetal medicine.

Ahoua Dembele celebrates with family during Match Day on Friday, March 15, 2024, in the Main Campus Student Center ballrooms. Dembele will stay in Greenville at ECU for her residency in obstetrics and gynecology.
Ahoua Dembele celebrates with family during Match Day on Friday, March 15, 2024, in the Main Campus Student Center ballrooms. Dembele will stay in Greenville at ECU for her residency in obstetrics and gynecology. (Photo by Ken Buday)

“Something about pregnancy has always attracted me. It’s miraculous, phenomenal, that a body can do that,” Dembele said. “It’s mind blowing. I’ve seen a lot of deliveries, but I’m always amazed, every time, even at my own.”

She credits Dr. Jill Sutton, a clinical associate professor at Brody who specializes in obstetrics and gynecology, with invigorating her desire to focus on pregnancy and women’s health.

“The first time she taught us she was so bubbly, so excited and so joyful when she was talking about pregnancy,” Dembele remembered. “Her enthusiasm, her devotion. I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is who I want to be.’ She’s been a mentor for a long time, and I hope to stay here and continue to train with her.”

At Match Day, Dembele was joined by her husband, her boys and her mother, who traveled from Wisconsin, where they now live. She beamed with pride amidst a family that had travelled so far, and made real sacrifices, to stand with Ahoula as she tore open the envelope that revealed where the next few years of their lives would play out.

Dembele will have a few weeks with her newest child before starting residency as she and her husband planned — calculated — the pregnancy meticulously.

She is a scientist, after all.

‘That’s the kind of doctor I want to be’

The few minutes it takes for the National Resident Matching Program’s mathematical algorithm to match applicants and programs across the country can be daunting for many medical students to think about — but for Emmalee Todd, reflecting on those fateful moments feels a bit zen.

Emmalee Todd celebrates the Match Day milestone with their classmates before learning they will complete an internal medicine-pediatrics residency at the University of Maryland.
Emmalee Todd celebrates the Match Day milestone with their classmates before learning they will complete an internal medicine-pediatrics residency at the University of Maryland. (Photo by ECU Photos)

“I think that no matter where I end up, I will find a way to be happy and fulfilled and feel like I’m moving in the direction I want to move in,” Todd said. “I feel like regardless of where I have ended up, I’ve been able to find my own path in that setting.”

And they will do it again.

Todd, who crossed the stage to the inspiring lyrics of Shakira’s “Try Everything” from the movie “Zootopia,” was joined by their parents and girlfriend Friday as they opened their envelope to reveal that they matched in internal medicine and pediatrics — known as “med-peds” — at the University of Maryland.

“I’m really excited,” Todd said. “Maryland made a really good impression on me. I’m excited for it.”

Todd’s journey through medical school was inspired by leadership experiences, bonding with fellow students and learning to adjust to what comes in ways that ensured not only success but a lesson to carry with them into the next chapter. A member of Brody’s first class to begin medical school under “pivoted” protocol because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Todd said their class made up for lost time later.

“For most of us, 2020 was pretty lonely,” they said. “We were thrown into this whole new level of work and new level of stress, and we wanted to be able to lean on our classmates.”

The Class of 2024 leaned into the changes, however, and started forming bonds as they interacted during some classes and labs and outside of school. Those bonds have stood the test of time and have been a vital part of Todd’s experience — which really began when they were an undergraduate at Northeastern University in Boston studying behavioral neuroscience.

Todd became an emergency medical technician and got a firsthand look at medical care — after getting a taste of the health care field over the years from their mother, Dr. Karen Todd, a pediatrician and Brody alumna herself. That exposure, coupled with making friends from all over the country and world, helped lead Todd toward a career in health care.

“I was meeting people from places I’d never been before,” they said.

After working for two years as a medical assistant, Todd brought that same energy to Brody, where they could see themselves as part of a smaller class.

“It really came down to the vibes,” they said. “It was one of the few places I interviewed where I felt a connection to the people, students and faculty right away. I could see myself here.”

Todd has thrived, taking on leadership roles including class diversity representative, executive treasurer and vice chair on the Medical Student Council, an elected organization that represents the medical student body as a voice in education, political and social interests.

“I got nominated our first year and decided I was going to run,” Todd said. “I got elected, and there I was. When you’re asked for your input, it’s because someone thinks your input is valuable. It is an honor, the trust [my classmates] have placed in me to be a voice for my class, to speak up and advocate for changes, policies and guidelines that are going to improve or rectify parts of our experience.”

Todd, who was drawn to med-peds because of an experience during a third-year rotation.

“I was trying to be open-minded, though I initially thought I wanted to do emergency medicine,” Todd said. “During my internal medicine rotation, I spent two weeks in the med-peds clinic and fell in love with the feel of it, with the attendings and residents and their personalities and the way they thought about medicine and approaching their patients. The more I got to interact with them, the more it reinforced that that’s the kind of doctor I want to be. They were passionate about trying to do the right thing for their patients.”

Drawing upon every memory and experience they gained along the way — from undergrad to Match Day — Todd is ready to embrace the next step and to take advantage of all the lessons waiting on the horizon.

“I thought when I was in undergrad that I wanted to get my Ph.D.,” they said. “I love neuroscience; I loved feeling like I was on the cutting edge of the frontier of knowledge, pushing into something that people have never known about before. But the more I got into the clinical environment, I really liked the detective work aspect of medicine, the team feel of it. All of the members of the health care team bring their own skills to the table but have the same goal, which is making the patient better.” 


ECU Health COO Brian Floyd speaks at a Care4Carolina Medicaid expansion event at Pitt Community College.

ECU Health leaders joined Care4Carolina, a coalition of organizations across North Carolina working together with the goal of bringing affordable health care to North Carolinians, for a Medicaid expansion event March 18. Partners from Pitt County Community College, Pitt County Social Services, and local representatives and leaders teamed up to bring Medicaid registration resources to local community members.

Health care access and delivery in rural areas often differ significantly from their urban counterparts, and this reality is apparent in eastern North Carolina. Every year, approximately 140,000 individuals turn to ECU Health Medical Center for emergency department services alone. Historically, uninsured patients have sought primary care in emergency departments due to their inability to afford preventive care. Medicaid expansion holds promise in bridging the gap, connecting people in the East and beyond with essential preventive and primary care services, ensuring their well-being is prioritized before the need for high-acuity care.

ECU Health COO Brian Floyd speaks at a Care4Carolina Medicaid expansion event at Pitt Community College.

With 40 percent of Americans residing in rural areas, ECU Health plays a crucial role in providing care to some of the region’s most medically vulnerable individuals through its network of nine hospitals and 185 primary and specialty care clinics across eastern North Carolina.

Brian Floyd, chief operating officer of ECU Health, said partnerships are among the most important elements in delivering health care to the community.

“ECU Health has been a strong proponent of Medicaid expansion for six years,” Floyd said. “It is a necessary component to solve the complexities of rural health care delivery. Medicaid expansion allows us to have the resources to continue to invest in our communities and help us render high-quality care to those most in need. We finally have reached the point where historic access to Medicaid is available, and it becomes incumbent upon all of us to encourage everyone eligible to sign up to transform their lives. I want to thank the General Assembly for taking a bold step to move us forward in taking care of the people in our communities.”

Learn more about Brian Floyd and his role at ECU Health on his Thought Leadership page.

Community | Health News

Members of the ECU Health Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation team gather for a photo at their clinic.

John Core had never heard of pulmonary rehabilitation until he needed it.

“I went to urgent care with what I thought was a bad cold,” Core said. “But my heart was racing so they sent me to the hospital.”

Once in the ECU Health Medical Center emergency department, Core said they were unable to get his 144 beat-per-minute heart rate down with medications; the next step was to perform an electrical cardioversion, which is where the heart is shocked to restore a normal rhythm.

“I wound up in the ICU and stayed in the hospital for two weeks,” Core said. “When I got out, I had trouble breathing and had to be on oxygen, which I hated.”

After a six-week recovery, during which time Core said he could barely walk, his doctor recommended he try pulmonary rehabilitation.

“I was encouraged that my doctor thought I was strong enough to go,” Core said. Upon arriving, Core immediately felt comfortable in the rehab setting. “They were supportive and guiding. They were wonderfully attentive, and their sense of humor and generosity with their time made it the best experience I’ve ever had in health care.”

Pulmonary Rehabilitation helps reduce and control breathing difficulties and other symptoms of lung disease, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or pulmonary hypertension. ECU Health’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation team strives to help patients achieve their highest level of independence and physical ability.

John Core poses for a photo in his home.

Initially, Core could only walk one lap around the therapy track with the assistance of oxygen before needing a rest; but week by week, he increased his distance. He was impressed by the rehab team’s consistent regimen and organization.

“You had a set routine every visit: sign a form, get weighed, take your blood pressure and then start your program.” The planning and tracked improvement helped drive him to want to go to therapy his prescribed three times every week. “They made me like exercise, when I hated exercise before. I used to think exercise was a waste of heartbeats.”

Core was also impressed by the pulmonary rehab team’s rigorous standards and attention to detail.

“At first, I couldn’t go to the grocery store because I couldn’t walk the aisles,” Core said. “Then I got the idea that I could lean on the cart and put my oxygen tank in the cart. I was so proud of myself.”

The next day, Core said he told his rehab therapist what he’d done.

“She said, ‘That’s not good enough.’ At first that hurt my feelings, but she was right. It pushed me to walk longer and harder.” Any time Core showed signs of fatigue, he was made to rest so they could monitor his oxygen saturation, which should be above 90%. “When they saw I was throwing PVCs [premature ventricular contractions] during my walk, they stopped therapy until I was cleared by my cardiologist,” Core said.

PVCs are extra, abnormal heartbeats that disrupt a normal heart rhythm.

One day, Core asked the rehab team if he could try walking two laps without oxygen.

“They agreed but monitored me very closely. After my first lap, I was at 90-91% oxygen, thank the Lord.”

From there, Core worked his way up to 11 laps just prior to graduation. Now, Core said he is feeling better than he did before his stay in the hospital.

“After graduating from pulmonary rehab, I joined the ECU Health Wellness Center, and I really enjoy swimming. I’ve lost over 30 pounds, I exercise regularly and I’m overall trying to improve how I live my life. I like where I’m at,” he said.

Core works at East Carolina University as a special assistant to the dean in the School of Dental Medicine, and he enjoys spending time with his wife of 32 years, his children and grandchildren. He’s also looking forward to a great grandchild on the way. This spring, he and his wife have plans to resume travel to visit his daughter and son-in-law in Charleston, South Carolina. Taking a trip like that wasn’t feasible prior to his experience with the amazing Pulmonary Rehab team.

“I had trouble walking; I couldn’t even walk a quarter of a mile,” Core said. “Pulmonary rehab helped me back. They know what they’re doing, and you can depend on them. To know that people care for you – it makes a difference. I can’t tell you how good they make you feel if you let them.”

Health News | Heart and Vascular

To be a health care provider is to answer a calling. For some, the journey to health care is a straight line; for others, the road is winding. This series features stories from ECU Health team members who took the winding road, but found the destination to be worth the effort.

Kasey Shue, a recreational therapist, had no idea that a fulfilling career in health care was awaiting her when she got sick nearly eight years ago.

“I had an undergraduate degree in public relations and communications from East Carolina University,” Shue said. “I worked for the American Red Cross educating people about and coordinating blood drives. Then I went to the hospital with Guillain-Barre syndrome.”

Guillain-Barre is a condition in which a person’s immune system attacks the peripheral nerves, and it can result in near-total paralysis and breathing problems in the most severe cases. Shue’s case was, she said, pretty severe.

“I needed help with everything: I had to learn how to chew, swallow, sit, stand and walk again. It was like being a toddler.” Even more than the physical stress, Shue said that the emotional burden of being in the hospital was trying. “I had a husband and two small children at home,” Shue said. “We actually held my son’s second birthday party in rehab while I was there. It was difficult being away from my family and coming to grips with not being able to do the most simple of things.”

Shue spent two and a half months at ECU Health Medical Center, six weeks of those being on the rehabilitation unit. During her stay, Shue said all therapies were instrumental in her recovery, but recreational therapy (RT) made the biggest impact.

“I didn’t know what RT was before I was in the hospital,” Shue said. “RT affected me the most because it helps people keep being who they are despite their physical barriers. RT helped me schedule my son’s birthday party, and they took me on an outing to Target.” During her stay, Shue said she had a literal epiphany: “It hit me – I was going through this so I could go back to school to be an RT and give back. I wanted to pay it forward.”

After her recovery, Shue went back to school and graduated with her master’s degree in recreational therapy from East Carolina University. She also added an aquatic therapy certification to her degree because of her own personal experience in the therapy pool.

“Aquatic therapy was extremely beneficial to my recovery, so when I went back to ECU I was determined to get that certification,” Shue said.

Shue also knew she wanted to work in inpatient rehabilitation because, “you see people get better in a short time frame, and I like seeing that progress.” She didn’t know, however, that she’d end up working for ECU Health in the same rehabilitation unit where she recovered just a few years prior. “I had no idea I’d end up back here in the Medical Center, but in a lot of ways, it’s my perfect job to come back and help people in the same facility where I received help.”

Shue attributed her success both to the skills she learned in her previous career and the experiences she had as a patient.

“From my work with the Red Cross, I was already familiar with this hospital, as well as general health and wellness education. I also know how to work with people – not everyone does that well.” Shue said her time in the hospital gave her a unique perspective that allows her to be more empathetic with her patients. “I can relate to patients on a different level because I’ve been the one in the bed not wanting to get up or feeling like I couldn’t do the work. I have a rapport with patients and help them work through their pain. It’s made me successful in the patient care side of things.”

That professional perspective also bleeds into her personal life. “I tell people that now I’m Kasey version 2.0,” Shue laughed. “After being sick, I don’t take things for granted. I have more empathy for people, and the smaller things don’t stress me out like they used to.”

Shue said it’s an honor to work with the rehabilitation team, some of whom were there when she was a patient.

“A lot of my primary therapists when I was sick have moved on to other roles, but we still pass each other in the halls and have that relationship,” Shue said. “And some of my former therapists work with me every day. I have a professional respect for them, but we also have a deeper bond because they watched me and helped me get better.”

Kasey Shue, a recreational therapist at ECU Health Medical Center, sits with Clive, an Animal Assisted Therapy dog, on the rehab unit at the Medical Center. Shue is Clive's handler.

Working beside the people who helped her and providing services to people who are in the situation she was in eight years ago is gratifying.

“I really enjoy what I do, and it doesn’t feel like work. I tell people that I get paid to play.” Shue is also the handler for Clive, a dog who is a part of the Animal Assisted Therapy program and who helps patients in the rehabilitation unit a few days a week. “I’ve always been a dog lover, and as a patient I had several dogs that visited me. I knew pet therapy fell under the RT umbrella; the pieces came together so we could have Clive come in and work with our patients.”

Shue said these professional experiences fill her cup in a way her previous career did not, and her advice for anyone considering a career change to health care is to listen to their instincts.

“Life challenges, whether professional or personal, happen, and sometimes it requires you putting yourself out there and stretching your comfort zone,” Shue said. “If something draws you, listen to that pull. I’m a big believer that things work together for the good, even if you can’t see it initially. I didn’t ask to be sick, but it impacted my entire future in a positive way. Now I feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be, doing what I’m supposed to do.”


ECU Health Therapy & Rehabilitation

ECU Health Careers

Featured | Therapy & Rehabilitation

Dr. Leigh Patterson, chief of services for Emergency Medicine at ECU Health Medical Center and chair of Emergency Medicine at Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, stands with Alex Baylis, ED nurse manager at ECU Health Medical Center, outside of the Emergency Department at ECU Health Medical Center.

In the years following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, health care as a whole has fundamentally changed — as have the lives, habits and health care needs of communities across the country.

Today, emergency departments (EDs) everywhere are seeing high volumes while staffing shortages persist. In rural areas with communities that are sicker than many others, these challenges are even more magnified.

“I’ve got patients who can’t see a doctor in the community mixed in with patients who have a pulmonary embolism,” said Dr. Leigh Patterson, chief of services for Emergency Medicine at ECU Health Medical Center and chair of Emergency Medicine at Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University. “My team and I are trying to see the forest through the trees. Who’s the patient that needs the services? Everyone needs the services, but who’s the patient that medically needs the services next? And that’s hard.”

Dr. Leigh Patterson, chief of services for Emergency Medicine at ECU Health Medical Center and chair of Emergency Medicine at Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, stands with Alex Baylis, ED nurse manager at ECU Health Medical Center, outside of the Emergency Department at ECU Health Medical Center.
Dr. Leigh Patterson, left, and Alex Baylis stand outside of the Emergency Department at ECU Health Medical Center.

Meeting the challenge

At ECU Health Medical Center and throughout ECU Health system hospitals, leadership teams have needed to adapt quickly to meet the needs of the many patients seen through EDs.

Alex Baylis, ED nurse manager at ECU Health Medical Center, said she has been proud to see the department’s flexibility and persistence while helping patients through their time in the ED.

“We have flexed and bended, added and changed our spaces, we’ve changed our beds, we’ve changed our staffing patterns, we’ve changed our hours of when team members come in, when team members go home. We’re doing all that we know to do, and have the power to do, to get care to our patients faster and better,” Baylis said. “Right now, we’re facing really difficult barriers and obstacles within our space that are challenging, but we’re doing everything that we can and know to do to help our patients.”

Dr. Patterson echoed Baylis’ sentiment.

“We’ve tried, we are going to continue to try and it isn’t going to look the way it used to look,” Dr. Patterson said. “I think patients have been very understanding when we’ve had to do things in a different way. It is a really ugly reality right now, but we’re going to flex a lot. What I really want people to understand is what you see in the ED is actually all of the hospitals and all of health care right now.”

Matter of perspective

Dr. Patterson said she has seen a great deal of change in eastern North Carolina since she first came to the Brody School of Medicine and ECU Health Medical Center 17 years ago.

When she arrived at what is now ECU Health Medical Center, she became just the fifth female emergency medicine clinician. Today, she said, there are more females than that in the intern class alone.

“I am not the generation that was the first and only,” Dr. Patterson said. “I had other female residents who were with me. We were definitely the minority, but we’re not such a minority today.”

Dr. Patterson estimated there to be about a 50/50 male to female split among emergency medicine training program graduates across the country today and more women are holding education leadership positions.

Dr. Leigh Patterson poses for a photo in a patient room in the Emergency Department at ECU Health Medical Center.

However, that same shift has been slower to develop on the administrative leadership side.

“It takes some time to get all the way up the ranks so there are probably a dozen women chairs in academic medicine and emergency medicine and other positions like mine,” Dr. Patterson said. “But really, not a large number of us when you consider there are a couple hundred of our programs.”

From an outsider’s perspective, the number of female leaders in the ED may seem unique, but to those on the floor, it’s nothing to bat an eye at.

“We’re kind of past that – ‘Look, that’s so cool.’ Some days we’re still there,” Dr. Patterson said. “A lot of days it’s like, ‘Oh, yeah.’ I mean, I don’t think our nurses notice. We could go 24 hours in one area and it’s all women physicians and it’s just like that’s Tuesday. We don’t stop and notice that.”

Baylis noted that from the nursing perspective, more males in nursing tend to gravitate toward EDs and Intensive Care Units, but on the leadership side it is predominantly females.

Dr. Patterson reflected on the early part of her career and how conversations have shifted and become more normalized. Whether it’s the way patients address female providers or the interactions teams have with each other, she has seen positive change.

“I have men, physicians now who can have open discussions about, ‘Hey, how are you taking your FMLA leave when you have a baby? Are you splitting it, are you taking it at the end?’ The normalization of those conversations, that’s what comes from it,” Dr. Patterson said. “We’re not there all the way, we still have a long way to go. But it was not this normal in my first job.”

Providing compassionate care in trying times

As the care needs in EDs have changed, Baylis and Dr. Patterson noted how crucial it is to connect with patients on a human level and provide high-quality, compassionate care in stressful situations.

Baylis said the mindset of nurses in the ED has changed drastically in the past few years.

“In emergency nursing, you had to have tough skin and be almost hard,” Baylis said. “I think it’s changed with the population that we’re seeing in our patients, but also the care that we’re giving. We’ve learned to be more soft and more caring and taking that time to make a connection. We can be nice while still setting boundaries with our patients.”

Alex Baylis poses for a photo in a patient room in the Emergency Department at ECU Health Medical Center.

Dr. Patterson said providing care in eastern North Carolina is a very unique situation. She shared that she trained at a county hospital in New Orleans and that in large, urban environments, it’s less common that she or her family members would be patients at the same hospital at which she practices.

Here, there is no line.

“So much of what I saw when I was in my own training, in my mind, I could pretend it wasn’t going to happen to me and you get this lovely distance that you don’t have here. And that’s good for you but, wow, some days it’s really hard,” Dr. Patterson said. “This is the same hospital you go to, right? I had my baby here. My husband has been a patient in our ED. My dad has been admitted here. I think this place is really challenging for that because it’s your community, you know, there’s no separation here.”

Baylis and Dr. Patterson said while that challenge exists, they are proud to serve in the same community they call home. What’s not lost on either of them: that solutions they are working to find in support of the communities they serve also directly impact their own family and friends — and light the path for ED teams to follow.


ECU Health Emergency & Trauma Care

ECU Health Emergency & Trauma Care Locations

Emergency & Trauma | Featured

Brian Floyd, COO at ECU Health, speaks to a group of lawmakers and health care leaders during an NCHA Meet and Greet event at Pitt Community College.

At ECU Health, we understand that partnerships and collaboration are at the heart of how we will solve the complex challenges facing rural health care. That is why ECU Health leaders joined a bipartisan group of lawmakers, health care professionals and leaders at the North Carolina Healthcare Association Meet and Greet event hosted at Pitt Community College Thursday, Feb. 29.

With a busy agenda covering topics that included the importance of building a strong workforce, improving access to care in rural communities and the battle to ensure insurance coverage for basic medical needs, ECU Health was honored to take part in the dialogue on behalf of the communities it proudly serves.

Brian Floyd, chief operating officer of ECU Health, said the opportunity for a health system to connect with the community it serves is crucial to meeting its mission.

Brian Floyd, COO at ECU Health, speaks to a group of lawmakers and health care leaders during an NCHA Meet and Greet event at Pitt Community College.

“Make no mistake, rural health care is difficult. But we are fortunate to have experts here at ECU Health helping us build the national model for sustainable regional health care,” Floyd said. “These forums provide us a great opportunity to share our expertise, engage other health professionals and partner with community leaders and businesses alike to help bridge gaps and ensure we can be successful in our mission to improve the health and well-being of the region. With teamwork, collaboration and partnership, we can help create healthier lives and communities in rural communities across North Carolina.”

Learn more about Brian Floyd and his role at ECU Health on his Thought Leadership page.
