Awards | Children's

ECU Health Maynard Children’s Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) offers the highest level of care for the most fragile of patients; it is staffed with a team of experts who care for critically ill or premature newborns. One of those specially trained nurses is Tara Stroud, who was named in February the vice president for Maynard Children’s Hospital, Women’s Service Lines and Community Health Programs. Recently, Tara received another well-earned recognition—this time as a recipient of the March of Dimes Excellence in NICU Leadership Award.

The national award honors NICU leaders who effectively support their team, advance the care of patients and the operation of their unit, have strategic vision and have excellent communication skills. Only one winner is recognized annually, and this year, Tara Stroud was honored with the award at the Synova 2024 NICU Leadership Forum.

Tara didn’t initially consider nursing as a career when she was younger. “I thought I would be a vet because I love animals,” she said. “But a love for nursing found me.”

Tara Stroud poses for a photo after she was awarded the March of Dimes Excellence in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Leadership Award.
Tara Stroud accepts the March of Dimes Excellence in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Leadership Award at the Synova 2024 NICU Leadership Forum in Charlotte Harbor, Florida.

After a clinical rotation in a NICU, Tara said she knew that was exactly where she wanted to be. “I wanted to do something that had meaning and value. The babies in the NICU are so critically ill and depend on you for everything, but they’re also so resilient. There’s something about the babies that gives you a different impression on life. That’s what captured and kept me.”

An eastern North Carolina native, Tara joined ECU Health in 2006 after receiving her BSN from East Carolina University. She’s since received an MSN as a neonatal nurse practitioner and her doctorate in nursing executive leadership, and she is excited about the road ahead for ECU Health.

“When you work for ECU Health, the possibilities are endless. When I started in the NICU, I didn’t know where my career would take me. Advancing my education and going into leadership roles was an opportunity ECU Health gave me.” She also loves that her work gives back to her community. “Eastern North Carolina is my home. I want to be where women and children receive exceptional care. If we weren’t here, some of our babies wouldn’t survive a trip. It’s critically important that we are here.”

Tara loves working with the NICU team, a group of leaders and team members who “lead with their hearts,” as she puts it, but she also sees many opportunities in her new role as vice president.

“It’s a chance to solidify the vision for ECU Health for the future of women’s and children’s care across the system,” she said. “We’re focusing on a more holistic view of health across the continuum of care, because both maternal and child health is important to our future. I’m excited to lead ECU Health to continue to impact that health continuum for both mother and child.”

This passion and dedication to her field is why she was recently recognized as the 2024 March of Dimes Excellence in NICU Leadership Award winner. Although “not a crier,” Tara admits she teared up when she learned she won the award. It was even more special that she was able to accept the award at the Synova 2024 NICU Leadership Forum with her husband and daughter in attendance.

“Winning the award surprised me,” she said. “I never thought I would win a national award, but when you’re focused on trying to provide exceptional care, sometimes you don’t realize the impact you’re having on others.”

That impact was clearly noted in Tara’s nomination form, which was submitted by her team and without her knowing. “Tara is an innovative leader who has a vision for the future unlike any I’ve worked with,” said one nominator. Another’s quote read: “She has left a forever impact on the leader I strive to be . . . thank you for leading us to excellence.”

Tara acknowledged that one of her greatest goals and achievements has been to guide her team members into leadership roles.

“My job is to grow the leaders of tomorrow. When my team said I have given each of them a chance to be leaders and make a difference in eastern North Carolina, that sticks with me more than anything,” she said. “To be recognized for this specific award for a population that is so important to me – and to know my team nominated me – it’s an award I cherish.”

The much-deserved award reiterates Tara’s focus on the future of ECU Health’s role in neonatal and maternal care.

“We are laser-focused on providing exceptional care for neonates and mothers in our region,” she said. “Babies in the NICU are getting smaller and surviving at younger ages year over year, and we are continuously adapting our care pathways to meet these needs. We’ve accomplished great work, but there’s more to be done.”


Press Release: ECU Health’s Tara Stroud honored with March of Dimes Excellence in NICU Leadership Award

Maynard Children’s Hospital

Women’s Services

Pediatric Services